Is the BEGIN template hardcoded?
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Christian Wilkerson
2008-07-15 19:21:10 UTC
I wanted to do some work on enhancing the templates that are in bds 2006.
However, I got tripped up in that it seems that certain ones are built-in or
hard coded into the IDE. For example, I zipped up all the template xml
files so they couldn't be found by the IDE, but certain ones like "Begin"
and "Try" are still firing. Has anyone else experienced this? Are we in
fact stuck with certain templates? ("stuck" may have a bad connotation, but
you get the idea) I found 2 separate directories where templates are
stored, are they stored somewhere else as well? The registry maybe?

Christian Wilkerson
Home made country music
@ http://www.myspace.com/christianwilkersonmusic
Lex Y. Li
2008-07-16 11:21:16 UTC
I know the BEGIN END matching is hard coded. But I do not know if try is
the same case.
Christian Wilkerson
2008-07-16 16:36:20 UTC
Post by Lex Y. Li
I know the BEGIN END matching is hard coded. But I do not know if try is
the same case.
Thanks for the info!

I'm fairly certain the TRY is as well. It would be nice to know about all
hard coded templates.

Thanks again!
Christian Wilkerson
Home made country music
@ http://www.myspace.com/christianwilkersonmusic